December is the most wonderful, and the most busy time of year! Holiday programs, class parties, dress up days, semester grades, weather days- you name it. It’s busy! With everything going on, it is essential to have some activities ready to go. These Christmas Math Activities are perfect for just that!
Christmas Color by Number
First up, color by number. These were so fun to make, and I know your students will love practicing their math skills while also getting a coloring break. They are great for an early finisher activity, morning warmup, indoor recess, and more. I have two sets aligned to 3rd and 4th grade standards, but these could also be used for enrichment in 2nd or remediation in 5th!

3rd Grade Activities aligned to the OA and NBT Standards:
- Unknown factors in Multiplication and Division
- Multiplication within 100
- Division within 100
- Round to the Nearest 10 or 100
- Add and Subtract within 1,000
- Multiply by Multiples of 10

4th Grade Activities aligned to the NBT Standards:
- Multiply and Divide with Multiples of 10
- Unit, Word and Expanded Form
- Rounding to Any Place
- Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
- Multiplication of 2, 3, and 4 digits by 1 digit; 2 by 2 digits
- Division with 2, 3, and 4 digit dividends and 1 digit divisors with and without remainders
Editable Christmas Math Activities
Next up is my editable math packet! This is a perfect resource for differentiation because you can customize it to meet the needs of your students. 12 pages of leveled activities are already included, and you also get a file where you can create additional worksheets that are for specific needs in your classroom.

- 3 Multiplication pages
- 3 Division pages
- 3 Addition pages
- 3 Subtraction pages
- An editable file for you to customize this resource for your class!
Christmas Math Task Cards
Students have a lot of energy during this time of year, so it’s a great time to get them up and moving around the room! One of my favorite Christmas Math Activities- and really any time of the year activities- are task cards. You can use them in so many ways! I always like to involve students in the placement of the cards to make it more exciting. After coming back into the room, we first do a quick brain break. During that video, I quietly go around and hand students task cards to tape around the room.

By this point in the year we have already established the guidelines. All cards must be visible, they cannot be in the teacher’s corner, etc. The students begin sneakily taping them around the room while the rest of the class is focused on the brain break. Then, as other students begin to catch on to what’s happening, the excitement builds. By the time the brain break video is over, the task cards are ready and it’s time to grab clipboards and begin the activity!
I have two differentiated sets- one for Multiplication and one for Division.
Christmas Math Freebie!
Last but not least, a freebie! Click here to grab a free Winter Multiplication Color by Number.
Looking for other ways to be prepared during this busy season? Check out my suggestions for Calm Classroom Videos and making sure you have your Emergency Sub Plans ready to go!
[…] Looking for Christmas math activities? Check out my blog post here! […]